Empower Your Fertility Journey


Take the lead in your own health and optimize your fertility today, so you can give your best to those you love tomorrow.


Hi! I'm Trisha...


I'm a nurse practitioner and fertility consultant who is passionate about helping busy women optimize their fertility and achieve their goals. 

Whether you are planning for pregnancy, wanting to become pregnant, or interested in preventing pregnancy without hormonal birth control, I have a solution for you.

Click the "Services" tab to learn more about how I can help you optimize your fertility for your goals. As always, feel free to reach out and I'd be happy to discuss how we can help support you!

See Services

How I can support you:


Self-Paced Program

Implement & optimize with ease & at your own pace with this jam-packed program meant to empower your journey with confidence & clarity.

Optimize your fertility now

1:1 Client Program

Let me support you on your entire journey to optimizing your fertility & achieving your goals. With functional lab testing, you will have a personalized, actionable plan for your fertility.

Strategize your health today

Who I help...


I help busy women optimize their fertility and regain control of their bodies, whether their goals are to prevent pregnancy, prepare for pregnancy, or become pregnant now.


It’s truly a surreal moment when you discover you have the power to take control of your own fertility and regain your health, all with a natural and holistic approach.

Is this you?

  • Ready to rebalance after birth control, but do not want to be pregnant? 
  • Ready to begin trying for a baby and maximize your chances of pregnancy? 
  • Able to get pregnant, but having difficulty staying pregnant?
  • Having difficulty getting pregnant, but aren’t ready for more invasive interventions?

 I can help!


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Working with me means you will gain a new understanding of how your body works and how it can work optimally for you. I will meet you where you are in your journey, and co-create a clear and actionable plan for your goals and your life.


My mission is to help women feel empowered to take control of their own fertility and health. I believe this empowerment begins with evidence-based education, consistent support, and actionable steps to build the foundation for not only improved fertility, but an improved life.

Yes! I need this!


Learn more about my story and how I can help you.



Explore the ways we can work together.



Find my highly-recommended products for improving your health.


"Having access to Trisha's knowledge and experience was such a blessing in my journey to pregnancy!" 





Ready to start optimizing your fertility? Grab this FREE meal plan as a first step!


Get this free 30-day meal plan to jumpstart your fertility success!

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